Chorus Ecclesiae is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. We have also partnered with the Australian Cultural Fund so that all donations made to us over $2 are tax-deductible in Australia.

Chorus Ecclesia usually hires 4 - 6 professional singers to support the rest of the choir, and an occasional organist. We are committed to trying to pay these artists an equitable wage. Rather than rely on struggling parishes to cover all our costs, we rely primarily on crowdsourcing funds.

It is important to note that unlike other choral organisations, we hold minimal concerts because our primary goal is to provide parishes with fine liturgical music. Your donation will give us the opportunity to reach out to churches who cannot afford a regular music program. The funds we raise will assist in paying our artists equitably and to support our overhead administration costs, which we try to keep to a minimum.

Chorus Ecclesiae Australia is committed to Diversity, Equity and, Inclusion, and Accessibility. We welcome all experienced singers and any additional funding that we get will help us cover the cost of additional resources for skilled choristers who require extra support.

For more ways on how you can support our organisation and our mission, please do contact us.