The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this pre-eminence is that, as a combination of sacred music and words, it forms a necessary or integral part of solemn liturgy
— Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 112


We have all been affected by news of recent war and violence. We offer up this beautiful setting of Psalm 23 as a prayer for all lives lost, and those who are suffering from war and violence recently. This beloved psalm is shared by Christians, Jews and Muslim alike, a reminder of how much we share rather than what divides us. This earth for which borders are fought for is bestowed to us from a God whose love knows no bounds. We pray for peaceful coexistence. We pray for the innocent lives lost. And we pray for comfort to those whose loved ones have been lost and whose lives have been displaced.

Adonai Ro’i - Psalm 23 (Judith Shatin). Director: Shanti Michael. Soprano: Jesika Clark Alto: Katie Richardson Tenor: Timothy Daly. Bass: Alex Owens

Recording by BlueTongue Audio