About us

Chorus Ecclesiae Australia is a semi-professional, not-for-profit choir dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphony in its liturgical context within the Mass in different churches in Victoria. We sing services once a month and rotate to different parishes, particularly ones who do not have a full time music program. We do perform occasional concerts and are also available for hire for weddings and funerals.

Chorus Ecclesiae’s primary goal is to preserve Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphony in the liturgy by being a visiting choir to churches who do not have the musicians or funds to have a full choral program.
The pandemic and the lessening of congregations have made it difficult for parishes to sustain their choral programs. We also realise that most churches here have their set musical repertoire and musicians for the liturgy, so rotating among different churches will allow us to keep this living musical heritage alive without disrupting their regularly scheduled worship and pre-existing music ministries. 
Patronage of Sacred Music used to be common among religious institutions, monarchy's, and lay people.  In addition to ensuring there was beautiful music for the liturgy, this also allowed for the fostering of work by talented artists. The decline of church attendance and patronage has also affected the musicians of our generation. 
Chorus Ecclesiae is committed to attempting to pay our featured artists an equitable wage. Rather than rely on struggling parishes to cover all our costs, we are relying on crowdsourcing funds. It is important to note that unlike other choral organisations, we hold minimal performances because our primary goal is to provide parishes with fine liturgical music. 
Please click below to find out more on how you can support us.