Chorus Ecclesiae welcomes expressions of interest for general members to sing with us. Singers must be experienced choristers who can read music. As rehearsals are minimal, music and rehearsal tracks are given early and choristers are expected to come to rehearsals with their parts learnt in advance. Resources will be provided and time will be spent learning how to read chant for those who are unfamiliar with neumes (chant notation).

This is the perfect choir for busy singers who cannot commit to weekly rehearsals and services, but would still like to sing in a choir at a high level. We usually sing at Saturday evening services, or weekday services, and try to avoid singing on Sundays as some choristers already have church commitments.

The audition process is relaxed. You are given music in advanced to prepare, and invited to sing with the group for a rehearsal. Please contact us for more information.

Chorus Ecclesiae Australia is committed to Diversity, Equity and, Inclusion, and Accessibility. We welcome all experienced singers. If you are an experienced musician with a disability who is interested in singing with us, please reach out and we will do our best to accomodate you with the resources that we have.